Take a look on how humane a dog is as compared to human~
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dog Hero
Posted by churekie at 1:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Nice one~
MACC Downfall Parody
MACC Downfall Parody (Chinese Subtitles)
Posted by churekie at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, December 27, 2008
TwoMAds, My Car, My Birthday, Place to Eat and Take Care
What a lame title huh?
but best summary ever! lol
TwoMAds.com will evolve into something more advance in the near future! Yeah, I’m wishing that TwoMAds.com can really make an evolution for pixel advertising. For the past two months, I am really glad to have you all to support me. Alex and me are very hardworking on working out the “evolution” d! Hopefully you’ll keep on support us and dun leave us floating nowhere on the Atlantic Ocean!
If you know me well, I think you should know I’m a 4-wheeled machine addict! Yes, I LOVE car. My dream car list could cost me up to tens of millions ringgit I guest! Let’s try with and few ya, Murcielago LP640 Roadster is my all-time-favorite, Ferrari F430, Maserati GranTurismo, McLaren F1, Bugatti Veyron, SkyLine R35 and so on, so on, so on and so on… Sounds unrealistic huh? But tat’s my dream, dream comes in no cost, you could dream of becoming the main actor for next Harry Potter, it’s just a dream ^^
Heard of law of attraction? I tried to apply the thoughts materializing theory by drove off my “current” and met my “future”! Yeah, I drove my cool-truck into my favorite’s showroom! And poor me, the matchmaker (salesman) was either didn’t see me or just ignored me! But who cares?! I just had few minutes of good time to take picture with my “future” lol!
Ps: if you are the owner of this car, sorry, I didn’t intend to steal it! And you know very well no one dare to steal your car! Just materializing! If you don’t mind, gimme a ride! I wanna materialize more! And in return, I’ll “return” your ride with my Veyron (in the future? Or now I have a hotwheel)! Lol!
Besides, there’s a good place to recommend to all my buddies for meals. SUBANG is a well known place of sucks food, don’t you agree? YEAHHHHH!!! If you disagree, please lemme noe if there’s a better food than KFC AND McD! Finally, there’s restaurant serving 5 stars food and 1 star price. Which is… Thai Tong… Ooppsss! Ofcuz not, nah~~ never will! Please visit 3K sport complex! There’s a new restaurant which serves really good food! SHAUN! You must try this out! YOU GONNA LIKE IT! I’m promoting it because I know the owner =.= lol, but this is the world wat?! TwoMAds booth in KLCC had over 15 helpers because they knew us! Thanks to all our friends! Lol! Seriously the quality of food is… unexplainable!
I’m sorry, didn’t take the picture of the restaurant! Lol
Their tom yam is good good good;
Mutton rice is good good good;
Rojak is good good good;
The good good good list goes on
And owner is good good good also!
(Jimmy and Soo, if you were to see this, please give me more discount when I visit your restaurant ok!? lol)
Bout my birthday! Seriously thanks to my bro, Alex. Nice food, nice placesss, nice entertainment, and nice plan! Lol It was enjoyable and everyone seemed “fulfilled”. Check my facebook photo for our madness! Lol! Thanks Sook Huay for the camera and uploading the photos! You guys ROCK!
There are two movies you shouldn’t miss in year 2008 – YES MAN and IP MAN~ Both man are great man! ^^
I'm not a good writer, dun wanna spoit the story as well, just ask around and see if both are worthly to spend your day in cinema!
In the end, please take good care of yourself! EVERYONE PLEASE! There’re getting more and more sick people nowadays, and I’m becoming one, so please, take WATER!
Posted by churekie at 3:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My new phone!
DEng deng deng deng~~ My new phone is
Not a vertu! Lol~
After so many months of kidnapping my gf’s handphone – Panasonic and then Sony Ericson, I’ve finally feel shame of being a “soft rice boy” kakaka! Thank you my dear for borrowing me the phones for so loooooooong!
I’ve wanted this babe since its first announce, somewhere in July, but gosh… I was stunned when I saw Shaun’s post – “update” on Friday August 1. He actually got this phone! ……………
But I was really happy and whenever I met shaun, will sure kidnap and harass the phone a bit. Although Shaun was the official owner of the phone, but I could felt the phone desperately wanted my love!
After almost 3 months, the wish was granted on her sister~ lol yeah! I finally have my own phone after N70!
Felt excited and sent few stupid msg to my frens, and most of them replied :p
only my bro - Christ didn't reply, no heart puny celaka, then anthony replied something no related =.=
Posted by churekie at 10:59 PM 2 comments
blogging while booming tokyo
hv u done this before? Lol I'm doing it while 'dropping bombs'! Just got my new handphone and felt exited and msged few friends! And now booming tokyo and blogging!
*dun imagine how i look like, or you gonna love me!*
remember the slogan? JUST DO IT! lol and you'll know whether it's fun or not!
Ok done, see ya! lol
Posted by churekie at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
女孩应该原谅男孩的10个地方1 如果你喜欢他就告诉他,即使他拒绝了,也不会丢面子,因为在他心里,会因为你的真情而非常非常感激你。2 如果他喜欢你,要明确告诉他你对他的感情,喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢,千万不要怕伤害他而忧郁不决,不要让他等到最后才受到抛弃,因为男孩子的心一旦碎了就很难很难再好起来。3 男孩子也有自己的脾气,只是因为爱你而压抑着,不要总是任性,有时他们的决定也很有道理.4 男孩子莫名的向你发脾气,那时因为爱你,把你当成最亲,最贴心,最有安全感的人,千万不要冲他发脾气反击,静静的等着,等他消气后满怀后悔来抱你。5 他为你准备的东西,即使再难看,再廉价,也要去珍惜,因为那里面融汇着他整晚的思绪。6 相信他给你多么多么美好的生活,要给他鼓励,因为鼓励会让他创造奇迹。7 不要总是打探他去哪,告诉他注意安全,你会等着他就可以。8 不要总说~我爱你~,他会半真半笑着说你烦,但不要不说,因为有时候,他们比女孩子更需要这句。9 他为你掉眼泪了,那么他是真的非常爱你,珍惜他的每一滴泪,不要道歉,不要安慰,握着他的手,默默的为他擦去泪滴。10 要信任他,他爱你,就什么都不会骗你,即使真的有欺骗,也是为让你们的爱情能够永远不离不弃。
Posted by churekie at 2:09 PM 1 comments
PC fair~
I think I’m the laziest blogger on earth~ now only I’m going to blog about what has happened during PC Fair which took place at KLCC on last week. It’s when people talk about 911 incident, I’m still wondering how dotcom bubbles occurred~! WHAT A BIG LAGGARD!
Ok, here, I seriously wish to thanks to **L**! (sorry, cannot disclose who this person is) Without you, I couldn’t imagine I could have such a great chance to participate in the PC Fair. I wouldn’t have the chance to “EXPOSE” myself without your help! (The healthy kind of expose k~!) THANK YOU!!! I owe you, you know?! I’ll remember you, forever! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Ok, enough for the appreciation part! Ok, rather than a visitor, I’m now one of the exhibitor in the event! LOL~ what a great experience. Without very proper preparation, we simply erected our flag in the booth and on our business! LOL!
On the first day itself, our flyer didn’t get to complete on time! Luckily there were old flyers to substitute for the first few hours. =.= die! Imagine now you are the exhibitor who has nothing to show to your visitors~ …. Quite terrible huh! On the first day itself, I’ve spent more than 50 bucks on just toll and parking! Ya, I’ve used SMART tunnel for 4 times, KESAS 1 time, KLCC DARN EXPENSIVE PARKING 2 TIMES! Haiz what to do, “cost of enterprising” huh~
I want to thanks my friends as well, Alex of cause, then my girl friend Shan, then Alexis and Wendy for making the booth success! Jea Hao for Pictures! Raqib for attracting the public attention, Edward and GF, Edwin, Anthony and gay housemate, Sook Huey, Swee Chee, David, Kheng Ooi and Kok Yeah for passing by =) , Clive and Gaywayne for help up, Rue, Michelle Yap and Michelle Tee! Sorry if I’ve miss up anyone, you know, old man memory here~ please forgive~ ^^ but you all have seriously show me what is friendship! Really felt touched!!!! If you didn’t see it on my face, yes, I’ve hided it in my heart~ deep in my heart, I appreciate you all a lot a lot a lot!
My bro – Chris, you better be caution! I didn’t even your shadow to support me~ but ok la, cuz you are a good boy, need to take care of home~ you are forgived for the right reason. Next time must turn up ya!
What have I gained in this PC Fair? A LOT! Besides businesses and potential business opportunities, most importantly I’ve got to see our strengths and weaknesses, and the result that resulted from our action!
Thanks yipiyaya for the photo~
Posted by churekie at 1:30 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
my colour
While busy with PC fair preparation,
I went and busy body other's blogs.
reading thru ming kee's blog
i saw this interesting post - random
so i did a test on myself and....
Posted by churekie at 12:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
How do I face “problems”?
First of all, I do not use the word PROBLEM! Using the word P-R-O-B-L-E-M simply creates more problem(s)! I prefer the word – challenge! Challenge simply sounds more exciting, encouraging, and positive as compared to PROBLEM~
Challenges or problems are so common among human being! It’s like the bad devil following you always and telling you to give up! Like ghost, challenges come in different forms, relationship challenges, friendship challenges, career challenges, time management challenges, stamina challenges and lots and lots and lots of challenges!
Recently these challenges do “challenge” me a lot! Sometime, I do weaken by them! Sometime I do become very emotional because of these challenges. But thanks to the people around me, my girlfriend, my family and my partners and my friends! They are very very supportive in a way! Their support has got me stand still and keep on fighting!
I’d love to relate business challenges to lover-relationship challenges, because they are about the same~ (quoted from successful business men!) Whenever you are uncertain of the future of your path, and thinking to give up, please think carefully and recall why you started the journey?! Did you planed to fail before head? How many people have told you that you are going to fail and you could never make it, but you continued! And that actually made you different; different from the others that do not carries the same thinking like you! Only if you had have planned to fail, then go ahead and enjoy the failure! Just like relationship, if you have planned to be short term, then bye bye.
Challenges of building a business is just like this quote “all love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand.” We’ll need to build a solid foundation, for networking, knowledge, database and many many things!!!!
Ok, tired of bullshitting and expressing my challenges d, back to work ^^
Tell yourself you love challenge and you’ll have no problem!
Posted by churekie at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
What I do to spend my 6 hours~
Posted by churekie at 5:06 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
About TwoMAds.com
I've never introduced what TwoMAds.com is - officially,
and i wonder if my friends here really take interest to know
what it is?
ok, so i'll put it here and hopefully you'll read thru, or else...
i'll be doubtful if you are my fren! lol
Inspired by the idea of pixel advertising, "two madness" - James and Alex without knowledge of HTML created TwoMAds.com to make RM2 million by sell two million pixel ads to the world with RM 1 or USD 0.30 per pixel! With minimum purchase of RM100, your website, blog, or even personal social networking site like facebook could reach out to millions of visitors online in the near further.
By putting more innovative ideas into pixel advertising, TwoMAds.com has definitely added more value to everyone! YES EVERYONE, the advertisers, the visitors and also of cause the founder ourselves and created a Win-Win-Win situation! Advertisers stand chances to win away our cash prizes of RM200,000 and visitors can also win away our frequent give away prizes. Besides, another RM200,000 will also be given away to two charity parties!
The advertisement is guaranteed to last at least for 3 years after the last pixel is sold out. However, we might want to make it online forever as long as we can afford the domain and the hosting fee, so you could really own a piece of history!
In just two weeks time, TwoMAds.com has already got more than 70,000 hits after it soft launch at 12 November 2008.
Posted by churekie at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
You must take a look on this! Would you buy this?

Place The Hand on your car, home or apartment window (suction cups included) and let the world know how you're feeling! Simply press one of the buttons on the wireless remote (with visor clip) and choose 1 or all 7 of the built-in hand gestures.Using electroluminescent technology, combined with animation, The Hand will create a attention grabbing sensation wherever it is used! Includes the ever popular: I love you, Hang Loose, Devil Horns, The Bird, Loser , Power and Peace gestures. Use at night for the best effect.Measures: 9" tall x 6" wide. Requires 4 AA batteries (not included) and 1 A23 remote battery (included)
Posted by churekie at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Yahoo! is not so Yahoo!
Once, Yahoo was the only search engine I knew before I could even pronounce “search engine”. Back in year 1990’ when I first attempt to log into internet, Yahoo! was the answer to all my questions. I was the very first to online among my friends and even my hometown community, I got to expose to the IT world far earlier than the others simply thanks to my uncle’s profession as an IT specialist.
For me, internet was the place to look for my favorite celebrities during that time. When my uncle tried to print his stock market reports from the internet, I printed a lot of celebrities’ photo to show off in front of friends. Yahoo was the only site I knew and used for celebrities searching. Kakaka! Yahoo sounds great to me, when I was still a little kid, I perceived the meaning of Yahoo! as Huray! Or Yahuu!!
At the age of 15-16, I was told that there was a better search engine than Yahoo!, which is the biggest player now – Google! Since the busy-body characteristic is born in my blood, I tried Google, then Gmail and almost every g-products before others. Until today, I’m still a loyal google fans, I’ve always been a white mouse of google, I started fall in love with Google’s products since long ago, moreover, there are all free! I think the latest google chrome somehow hypnotizing me to stop using other search engines!
Today, Yahoo! is seriously no longer so Yahoo! The co-founder and CEO gonna step down soon, rumor claiming the company gonna cut of 1,500 jobs next month and their “badwill” is taking over their goodwill! Forbes.com made an article of Yahoo!'s Five Biggest Mistakes.
Posted by churekie at 4:08 AM 2 comments
Labels: business, google, search engine, yahoo
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Interesting Gadget – A sperm drive!
TwoMAds.com has really made me mad! My brain recently is really filled with mad ideas of how to promote the site. Reading some mad sites is one of the best ways for me to get mad and crazy inspirations.
While reading thru foolishgadgets.com, this sperm drive made me spent some time thinking why such a simple gadget could excite me so much huh? It’s nothing more than just a normal pen drive with a sperm skin! Nothing special! Yet, it is much better than those penguin, cartoon, or twitty covers!
Read full article regarding to this sperm drive here
Sometime, normal item or idea could be extraordinary once we add on some innovative element inside. TwoMAds.com is exactly the same, we do not need complicated features, nor advance applications. Our idea is simple, Two Million Ads by Two Madness! It’s a 10% copied cat work and 90% value added site that possibly excites a small portion of internet population on this world!
Posted by churekie at 3:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: Creative, twomads.com
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pursuing for success is just like dating a girl!
Pursuing for success is just like dating a girl!
Not just once, but I was told many many MANY times by most of the successful people that pursuing success is nothing much different like dating a girl! First, you need to be passionate and totally obsessed by her, and then you shall be courage to get closer with her and take time to build up intimate relationship with her, date her, spending more time with her! Become the outstanding one and the different one from the others and make her notice you more than the others. Eventually she will prefer you better than the others! Finally be courage again to date her and propose to her!
Worst to worst, she might just say NO, and you lose nothing! Just go for the next one! There are plenty of opportunities out there for us to grab! (This is just an example, I’m very loyal to my girl friend!) But what if she says:”YES”! You see, every successful people telling me the same story. “Saying is easier than done” this is how most of the people replies, and from my understanding, that’s why most people fail! And this is what distinguishes a successful person from most of us. And this is why successful people are telling me the things that most people do not tell me.
Of cause it is not easy and only certain people could get what they want! Nothing comes easily! We might need to use a lot of effort and time to achieve something we dun even know if we could ever get. In the end, whether get it or not, we have tried our best and better than just saying:” I should have!” Ya~ ya~ ya~ I should have born in those arab royal blood if I should have!
Yesterday, joining the GEW event has prompted me a chance to meet with a lot of corporate figures, all of them were outstanding. However the one who got most of our (Alex and me) attention was Richard Azlan! He said the same thing to us and yesterday alone he had became a very good mentor to us. He taught us what to do in a function like yesterday! He is one of the best speakers I ever meet in my life.
Posted by churekie at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: business
Monday, November 17, 2008
My UNI memories
Darn! (what a bad word to start, but IT’S DARN DARM!)
When browsing thru friends’ blog, I bumped into Anthony Lim’s [DuHuKu’s E-FaŔM], and at the right bottom of his blog, there I found a terrible video!
This video reminded me my 3 awful year-end nights’ performances, ALL 3 YEARS! In the 1st year, instead of performing as prince or hero, I was to put on two oranges in front of my chest… Ya, oranges… in front of my chest, so you should know what kind of character I needed to act? No, you are wrong! Not just a girl, but a bitch! A bitch who was trying to tackle people’s boyfriend! Poor my bro, Chris was the “girl” that “her” boyfriend was tackled by me… HAHAHA! But in the end… I forgot whether I was dumped or run away after got a “better choice”! My pals, please remind me!
Then, 2nd year was a better one! Instead of solid oranges, I got a much softer replacement to be placed in front of the chest! Balloons was the replacement! …. But that year was better, because now I have more companies! Beside Chris, balloons were on almost everyone’s chest! WAKAKAKAK! Chris and me was the two stupid and ugly sisters of in this time, not-so-pretty punya “Cinderella” – Richard! I wonder if we have the video clip of that performance!
Final year! Reminded me when I was told by Jessica, “James a, I don’t care a, u better gao dim the performance!” Pity Jessica, being someone like the class rap, had to settle many things for the final year prom night, I also forced to accept the so called “mission”! Like always, I drag drag drag and drag, until dunno the few days before that night! Surprisingly, actually all our friends are all”義氣仔女”, sorry la, I couldn’t find the best word to describe the above Chinese term! By nearest meaning, it meant very loyal to friendship lor! Most of them give face and joined us to perform, even though knowing it gonna be something awful! Lol! Yeah, not disappointed, we were awful, but in just 2 days time, all of us were prepared to rock the stage! Kakaka, although not very professional, but we made it. REMEMBER, some of them have never perform nor be on stage before, and WE MADE IT!
Although IT WAS AWFUL, but really enjoyable! Great moment as well! lol
Posted by churekie at 2:16 AM 1 comments
Labels: college life, my memory, my story, uni life
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I'm learning thru TwoMAds.com!
TwoMAds.com is growing! We had an excellent result from TwoMAds.com after it’s officially soft launched for 3 days! In just 3 days time, the hits rate for TwoMAds.com has almost reaching 19,000! As time being, my blog... is only 1,270 hits for almost half of a year! sad....
One of our advertisers, the association of backpacker Malaysia was so surprised that our website has brought him some businesses after our launch!
However, like raising up a baby, making TwoMAds.com happens is not something easy! As most of the business men said to us:”success doesn’t come easily, you’re definitely not successful yet if you have not suffered enough!”
TwoMAds.com has given me a lot of chances to meet just anybody! The interesting part is, always, we got to meet SOMEBODY! These people are very successful and most of the time, they are the very good mentors to me. These people are ranging from one year older than me to my father’s age, and even to playboy’s founder – Hef’s age!
Spending an hour or more time chatting with them had really earned me a lot of priceless knowledge! Knowledge and information that so simple and most people has failed to notice and follow! They love to help and share their experience with us! From financial management, corporate stories, human resource management, sales experience, picking up girls to XXX topics!
They simply love to share!
Most of the time, these people share the identical characteristics, regardless how powerful and how wealthy they are, they are very humble and helpful! One uncle actually pointed out that the youngsters nowadays failed to implant these characteristics, and so they will definitely share the similar ending in their life – if they were to fall down, it’s unlikely or it’s very very difficult for them to stand out and keep on walking, let alone running!!
What I understand from them was - Nothing comes easily, if something comes too easy, be careful that the worse is always ahead! We must always be prepared to face the upcoming challenges, there is no such thing as you are always in the safe zone!
Posted by churekie at 2:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: twomads.com
Saturday, November 15, 2008
a message from me
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words!
I totally disagree!
In fact! In my opinion, a picture tells a ZILLION words!
Many things had happened in the past few months!
One of the reason why I became more lazy to blog was after my last N70 pc suites had something sot sot! YA, I could hardly transfer the pictures taken by the phone into my pc. When I couldn’t show the picture, I might as well dun blog!
Then my hand phone itself became sot sot! And I hardly took pictures after that. Last month, something even more terrible happened, you wouldn’t want the same thing happens in your life! NEVER! So, please do what I gonna suggest after or you gonna cry like me!
Wat happened next was – all my files, pictures, data, whatever, whichever in my hard disk, GONE TOGETHER with the “geekkkk gekkkk… gekkkk gekkk…” sound from the harddisk! Haiz… So.. you better make a copy of whatever you have, SERIOUSLY! Because that could happen just like that!
Even worse than a tsunami, tsunami actually happens after earth quake, but this is not! You would never know when your hard disk gonna crash! There's no signal from your hard disk "hey buddy! you idiot dunno how to take care of me! i about to die!!!!"
So the moral is MAKE A COPY OF whatever you have!
All my pictures were gone! Ya! ALL! Whatever you could think of, IS GONE! As for a short-term memory man like me, the crash of my harddisk is just like the crash of my brain! Haiz… Better take good care with your hard disk!
Posted by churekie at 3:44 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Another interesting invention by TwoMAds!
I've always interested in interesting inventions!
The creation of TwoMAds is interesting, right?! ^^
Buying a Pickup truck at my age is something interesting as well!
Getting a Mad partner (Alex) to start TwoMads is also interesting!
Now we have our first interesting invention - TwoMAds flyer!
See our TwoMAds first flyer on facebook.
Ok, the interesting part of this invention was how we invented the idea. The initial idea was nothing new, we tought of using simple name card and distribute them just like that, and thanks to my girlfriend, she said to me, "don't you think it's very much like along (loan shark aka money lender) in Malaysia distributing their cards?"
Ya... she was so right! Although we knew our card was more outstanding,we had spot UV on our card, like flash flash one like tat! lol but still, it probably look like a along with higher budget of advertising!
So... we had another meeting at a mamak beside a cyber cafe. I suggested to Alex why not we put a paper behind it! and BOOM! our idea became more materialized! We had to cut out slots for the card!
Then he suggested the design and in that night it self, the new interesting invention was born! We don't mind the idea is being use someday and hopefully this idea will evolves to something better! lol, and if don't mind, give us some credit on it~
Due to budget constrain, we distributed the flyers ourselves! Our experience was interesting! We were stopped by a security guard while distributing in a university ! And you know what?! due to our intelligent and wide connection, I had got my friends' help to get us out from his tirdy hand! sorry to tell you *the university*, next time do ask to verify my ic, or else,i'll still be able to get rid! LOL
*but the guard was a nice guy, he was just trying to do his job!*
distributing flyers under the very very very hot sun is not something you'll want toenjoy, but never mind, seeing most of our creative invention being treated nicely,the effort was worthly! but there are some who threw away our flyers as well,to them... please save our environment la, just circulate it or recycle it! haiz...
it's ok that you dun appreciate creativity, but at least appreciate paper!
*i only started to appreciate paper since then!*
Posted by churekie at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: twomads.com